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Exposing the Obvious Truths in Politics

Ever feel like you're surrounded by people refusing to acknowledge the facts? You're not alone. We're here to point out what's hiding in plain site while bridging divides through fact-based discussion and respectful dialogue.

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The Dangers of the Whimsical Politician

There's a far more dangerous breed of politician lurking in the wings - the whimsical leader. These are the individuals led not by ideology or principle, but by the fleeting fancies of the moment.


Americans Have Opinions on Everything, and Expertise on Nothing

We're a nation of experts on everything, even when we know absolutely nothing. This strange phenomenon could be called the "Confidence vs. Competence Paradox."


Politicians Care More About Soundbites Than Solutions

It's time to admit an inconvenient truth: most politicians are less about finding solutions and more about landing those sweet, sweet soundbites.

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